Blood Drive This Tuesday Feb. 6th


Contributed by Cynthia Smith

The blood supply is dangerously low. Please come to our blood drive on Tuesday, February 6th from 8:30 to 2:30 in Emerson Suites.

We all depend on this perishable resource. Blood is an emergency medicine and must always be readily available. By pledging to give blood and keeping that commitment you will give the gift of life to someone in desperate need.

One donation can be separated into components and used to treat several patients. The average adult’s body contains about 10 to 12 pints of blood, Please give the gift of life to someone by donating at our drive.

You are Eligible to Donate If You Meet the Following Criteria:

• Are at least 17 yrs old
• Weight at least 110 pounds
• Have not donated within the last 56 days,
• Have not traveled abroad since 1980 for more then 3 cumulative months in Great Britain or 6 months cumulative in Europe.

We will also be taking 3 Double Red donations every hour, To be Eligible to Donate you must meet the Following Criteria:

• 150 lbs min. and be 5’ 1” height for males,
• 175 lbs min. and be 5’ 5” height for Woman

If you have an hour to spare and would like to give the gift of life please email: or stop by our sign up table in Campus Center or Textor Thursday Feb 1st, Friday Feb 2nd, or Monday Feb. 5th

On behalf of hospital patients in the Southern Tier, Thank You in advance for your
Gift of Life and Generosity.


To improve your donation experience be sure to eat well the day of donation, drink
plenty of fluids and get a good night’s sleep!