Asma Barlas Appointed Spinoza Chair at the University of Amsterdam


Contributed by Penny Bianconi

NOTE: This article is submitted on behalf of Tanya R. Saunders, assistant provost/dean of the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies (DIIS).

I am very pleased to announce to the Ithaca College community that Dr. Asma Barlas, director of the College’s Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity and professor of politics in the School of Humanities and Sciences, has just been offered the honor of the Spinoza Chair at the University of Amsterdam. Dr. Barlas was selected by a committee that included all professors of philosophy, the dean of the faculty, the rector magnificus of the University of Amsterdam, and two professors from other faculties of philosophy in the Netherlands. As the holder of the Spinoza Chair for the spring 2008 semester, Dr. Barlas will be a distinguished visiting scholar at the University of Amsterdam who will deliver public lectures, discuss her work in progress with faculty, teach one course for graduate students, and pursue her own research.

According to Dr. Frans Jacobs, professor and chair of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam, the Spinoza Chair was established in 1994 to create a new tradition of Spinoza lectures in Amsterdam. Dr. Barlas joins a select group of internationally renowned intellectuals and scholars. Former holders of the Spinoza Chair, include Albrecht Wellmer, Richard Rorty, Axel Honneth, Stanley Cavell, Sheila Benhabib, Hilary Putnam, Judith Butler, Hubert Dreyfus, Nancy Fraser, Bruno Latour, and John Dupre. Benedict de Spinoza was a 17th century Dutch philosopher who considered the nature and attributes of God.

I invite the Ithaca community to join me in congratulating Dr. Asma Barlas on this singular honor in recognition of her scholarship.