A seventh cohort of LeaderShip participants completed the year-long program with a celebration on February, 1, 2007. The select group of 24 engaged in 14 learning workshops designed to build leadership capacities in an ever-changing work world.
In alignment with the Institutional Plan, LeaderShip provides the opportunity to develop leadership skills in an environment of support and camaraderie with a diverse cohort of fellow Ithaca College employees. LeaderShip participants find the program to be a rewarding experience, enhancing their effectiveness and productivity at work and in their personal lives as well.
The LeaderShip VII graduates are:
LeaderShip VIII is currently in progress and LeaderShip IX will kick-off May 2 3, 2007. Applications should be submitted to Mary Tomaselli or Tanisha Graves in the Office of Human Resources.
Be sure to congratulate your LeaderShip VII graduates when you see them!