James J. Whalen Academic Symposium


Contributed by Laurie Wasik

The annual James J Whalen Academic Symposium, a day-long event for the presentation of undergraduate student research and creative projects, will be held on Tuesday, April 3, 2007.

This will be the tenth college-wide Symposium and again we look forward to a gratifying day of student presentations about the original work they have done in collaboration with faculty. In the past, projects from honors theses, independent studies, term papers, and original creative work in the arts including photography and cinema have been presented. It is an exciting day, presenting publicly the essence of the College’s mission--student learning.

Presentations will be organized by discipline as much as possible or by topic. Both formal and informal presentations such as poster talks are invited. Formal talks should be 15-20 minutes.

Please submit the student name(s), presentation title(s), audio/visual, and bulletin board needs to Laurie Wasik at wasik@ithaca.edu no later than February 15 to facilitate the planning process. To ensure accuracy and clarity, faculty sponsors only should submit this information.

The Symposium is an outstanding learning experience. Students have an opportunity to hear the best work of their peers and promote awareness of advanced study in the disciplines. I look forward to receiving your submissions and another successful Symposium.

