New 1 credit, 1 week mini-courses


Contributed by Warren Schlesinger

Students can enroll now in one credit minicourses that will be held as part of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF)from March 26-April 2, 2007

FLEFF mini-courses are pass/fail and students sign up via HomerConnect. Course titles and descriptions follow.

The Greening of Corporate Management [BINT19700-01]
Examine different approaches to green corporate management and environmental ethics. June Wu, Instructor

Poverty, Panic, and Population Health [HPS 39901-01]
The role of cities in concentrating poor people and the role of panic and fear in relationship to public health will be discussed along with the role of cartography. Stewart Auyash, Associate Professor

We Have Issues: Exploring the Environmental Context behind Films [ENVS 10300-01]
Explore the underlying environmental issues in selected films from a scientific, cultural, ethical, historical, and political perspective. (Team taught course with Professors Allen-Gil, Hamilton, et al)

Beyond the Maps [FREN 22000-01]
Five French films will be viewed to challenge our sociological, philosophical, sexual and aesthetic maps and cultural prejudices. Patricia Gravatt, Assistant Professor

Required Viewing: The Best of the Fest 2007 [GCOM 29206]
Students will meet filmmakers and view films about scientific, cultural, and political issues and examine four interrelated themes: Maps and Memes, Metropoli, Panic Attacks, and Soundscaping. Stephen Tropiano, Assistant Professor

Storyscapes [GCOM 29206]
Radio producer Jon Miller explores real-world storytelling using real-world sound. The decisions sonic storytellers make to reconstruct reality will be studied.

Live Sound for “Silent Film” [MUNM 27100 – 01]
Students will develop a sound design for the film, “His People.” Prerequisite; Digital Recording and Editing, or Advanced Audio Production. Peter Rothbart, Professor

*Students will keep journals, write papers, blog, etc. The work and meeting times vary by course. Register online or contact Warren Schlesinger, FLEFF mini-course coordinator