Grief and Loss Group at the Counseling Center


Contributed by Deborah Harper

Healing from Loss is a support group for students offered by the Counseling Center at 4:00 pm on Thursdays. Call 274-3136 or come to the lower level of the Hammond Health Center for more information.

Healing From Loss is a support group for students who have experienced the death of a family member, partner, friend, or special person in their life. The group will focus on ways to cope with the complex cycles of grieving and healing that is natural to such significant loss. Pam Johnson, MSW, is the group facilitator.

Healing from Loss is offered Thursdays at 4pm at the Counseling Center. For those who are interested in this type of group but can’t make this time, please call and let us know: 274-3136. If there is interest, we will offer an alternate time for new members.