Recruiting volunteers (infants and children) for a few lab sessions in my physical therapy (PT) course on "Normal Motor Development".
Please consider bringing your infant (1 month to 2 years)and/or child (3 to 12 years)for one or more fun sessions where senior PT students will observe and 'test' (if you allow) some aspects of your infant/child's development. You will be with your child at all time and two instructors will guide the students during the labs. You will receive $15 per session for your child's participation. The Infant Group Labs will be on Monday, March 26 (1:15 and 3:15) and Wednesday, March 28 (1:15). The Children Group labs will be on Monday, April 9 (1:15 and 3:15)and Wednesday, April 11 (1:15). All labs are held in the Center for Health Sciences (CHS) room 207. If you are interested and for more information, please call me at 274-3116 or e-mail me at
Thank you,
Helene Larin, PT PhD (Smiddy Hall 309)