Ed Tech Day is Right Around the Corner!


Contributed by Beth Rugg

Don't miss the 17th annual Ed Tech Day!

We invite the entire Ithaca College community to stop by our 17th annual Educational Technology Day on Thursday, March 22.

- Come learn about the latest products from over 50 national and local vendors including Dell, Apple, Microsoft, HP, Verizon Wireless, and many more.

- Stop by the college showcase to learn how technology is being used in and out of the classroom.

- Attend one of over 40 seminars on topics from Microsoft Vista to network security (visit our website for the complete schedule).

And of course, don't miss a chance to register to win a brand-new Dell 26" HD-ready LCD TV!

The vendor and college showcase will run from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Emerson Suites, and seminars will run from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in various locations throughout the Campus Center.

So check it out! No registration is required for Ithaca College faculty, staff or students.
Hope to see you there.

Educational Technology Day -- www.ithaca.edu/edtechday/
Educational Technology Day seminars -- www.ithaca.edu/edtechday/seminars.php
Educational Technology Day vendors -- www.ithaca.edu/edtechday/vendors.php

