The 5th annual Bursar's Benefit Auction has officially been put to rest! Yes, hard to believe, but this year's auction is history. Our raffle winners were as follows:
Chocolate basket: Karen McGavin
50/50 Raffle: Marilyn Taylert
Best Buy gift card: Gene Getz
$75 gas card/ VISA: Smitty (Howard) James
Gold Earrings: Kathy Lucas
$25 Bookstore gift certificate: Mary Wallenbeck
Chardonnay wine: David Owens
Silver necklace: Tom Torello
Movie Night basket: Ryane Sullivan
Silver necklace with stones: Reb Hattery
Congratulations one and all!
No auction would be complete without the help of several wonderful folks who share our enthusiasm and vision, and who support us unconditionally. We would like to particularly thank the following:
* Sam Lapp and Duane Corbin, our incredible auctioneers without whom we would not be nearly as successful in raising funds!
* The many, many community members both from the College and from the area who donated items and supported us by coming and bidding.
* Mark Warfle, Kelly, and the Conference and Events Services staff who made sure that everything was perfectly arranged for us...right down to providing bandaids when needed!
* Chris Gonzales, who made sure that all our Intercom notices got well publicized.
* Chris Wheatley, who made sure that our auction was well featured on PSAs.
* Carl Sgrecci for encouraging folks to attend!
* The moving crew who so quickly and carefully transported our good from Job Hall to Clark Lounge.
* Sybil Conrad for her donation of balloons, and Lori Becker for her assistance with solicitation permits for tabling.
* Larry Metzger, our boss, for his support and encouragement.
Most of all, I would personally like to thank my incredible staff: Barbie, Becky, Betty Jo, Dave, Jade, Kathie, Kathy, Mary K., Mary L. and Terri and our phenomenal student assistants Allison, Beth, Chrissy, Kathy, Larry, and Maggie for all that they personally contributed to make our auction a success. From making items to sell to making signs and raffle displays, from giving up their time to work on details on their own time to designing the perfect auction details, I could not ask for more terrific bunch of folks. I am truly blessed to work with the likes of them!
See you next year for Auction 2008! Stay tuned for a tally on this year's event!