Expert on Race and Child Sexual Abuse to Speak


Contributed by Rebecca Plante

Shawn McGuffey, an award-winning sociology professor at Boston College, will speak about gender, race, and child sexual abuse. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month. Dr McGuffey's talk is part of the Sociology Department's ongoing public sociology initiative.

On Monday April 16, 2007, at 7:00 pm, Dr. Shawn McGuffey (Assistant Professor, Sociology, Boston College) will give a talk titled, “‘It's a White Thing’: The Impact of Gender & Race on Male Child Sexual Abuse.” Utilizing observations and interviews with parents and therapists, Dr. McGuffey will address how parents cope with the abuse of their sons. He will focus on the dynamics of race, gender, and homophobia for families and therapists.

The Advocacy Center of Ithaca/Tompkins County will host a table with information. The Center provides information, education, support, and services for battered women and rape and child sexual abuse victims/survivors.

The talk will be held in Emerson Suites "C" (Philips Hall) and is free and open to the public. Please contact Rebecca Plante, Sociology Department, for more information: 274-3311 or rplante AT

Co-sponsors include the Diversity Awareness Committee; the Center for LGBT Education, Outreach & Services; the Health Promotion and Physical Education Department; the Office of Assistant Counsel and Equal Opportunity Compliance; Women’s Studies; and the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity.