Archaeological Field School in the Cayuga Homeland


Contributed by Jack Rossen

Ithaca College is offering its 5th Archaeological Field School (6 credits).
Enjoy the Finger Lakes in June!

May 29-June 30, 2007
6 credits

This year’s field school will reinvestigate a Native American village that was originally excavated in the 1930s. The site has been alternately considered to be Algonkian, Owasco, and Cayuga in cultural affiliation. There are two major research issues (along with several other questions) to be addressed:

  1. Is there support at the site for pre-Iroquoian occupation of the Cayuga Lake region, or does this site support in-situ Iroquois/Cayuga development in terms of artifacts and botanical remains?
  2. What is the exact nature of the site and its materials?

We will also record the stories of people in the area who participated in the 1930s excavations.

Since 2000, the Ithaca College field schools have promoted a new vision in archaeology which has come to be known as “indigenous archaeology.” This is a collaborative archaeology that includes Native people and seeks to make archaeology a positive force for them, instead of the negative force it has too often been. Besides learning the fundamental methods of field archaeology, students will also learn about the political context of the research, including the Cayuga people, their land claim, problems, and progress. A series of speakers including Native leaders, Clan Mothers, and artisans will visit the site to discuss their perspectives on life, history, and archaeology. We will also visit various sites, museums, and landmarks of historic interest in the area. The goal is to have a multifaceted experience that places the excavations into their proper cultural context. Archaeology is then an active shaper of social values and not just the study of old items. I believe this is a unique vision for an archaeological field school. There will also be opportunities to work in the lab at IC on rain days.

Please join us!

Monday-Friday 9am -5pm
Students may live in house rented for the purpose, or perhaps in the Wells College dorms with its lakefront beach access. Some students may commute from Ithaca or Aurora.

Jack Rossen
Ithaca College