Voices from Iraq


Contributed by Beth Harris

"Voices from Iraq," a dramatic reading of letters from U.S. soldiers and Iraqi citizens, will be presented Monday, April 30th, 7 p.m. in the Klingenstein Lounge. The presentation is produced by IC students Kim Miner, Mary Murphy, and Caitlin Hayes.

The presentation features letters, testimonies, photographs, and video footage about the day-to-day realities of life under occupation in Iraq, including stories and brutally honest opinions not often heard in the U.S. press. The project is a culmination of an entire semester’s work, which included writing over 120 letters to soldiers overseas and contacting over 2 dozen Iraqi writers. This is the final event in the “Occupation: Are You Buying it?” series organized by the Witnessing Injustice under Occupation seminar. Students For a Just Peace is co-sponsoring the presentation.

For more information contact Kim Miner: kminer1@ithaca.edu or call (607) 375-2517.

