Fix-it-Friday Summer Hours


Contributed by Karen Compton

In keeping with the College’s summer hours policy, the Fix-it Friday (FIF) maintenance time will be adjusted accordingly. From May 25th to August 10th, the system maintenance window will be Fridays from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m.

For anyone who is not familiar with FIF, it was established to provide a weekly window of time -- 4:00-8:00 p.m. each Friday during the academic year (2:00-6:00 p.m. during the summer) -- to perform necessary maintenance on computers and network systems. During this time important production systems (including e-mail, file servers, Parnassus, and others) and/or network communications may be unavailable.

Please check the System Notices section on the ITS home page ( after noon on Wednesdays for an update of services (if any) that will not be available the following Friday afternoon.

Special Intercom notices or Helpdesk-Alert list messages may be sent as reminder of upcoming FIF maintenance, especially in the case of downtimes for major systems or services.

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