An anonymous donor has pledged $100,000 to the School of Business to launch an innovative class in which students will research, buy, and manage a portfolio of authentic investments.
The investment decisions made by the class will be carried out with real capital, and the portfolio will represent true assets. The performance of the investments will provide real-world feedback on the quality of the students’ work. “This is the kind of experiential-learning program that will establish a unique identity for our business school and help us stand apart from other colleges,” said Susan West Engelkemeyer, dean of the School of Business.
The donor who is contributing the capital for the investment class is a graduate of the School of Business. The new course, scheduled to debut next spring, will be part of a two-semester commitment to give students ample time to participate in every aspect of the investment discipline. An advisory board of faculty, alumni, and investment experts will provide oversight and guidance.
The new class continues Ithaca's tradition of engaging students in hands-on learning. IC was among the first undergraduate business schools in the nation to open a trading room where students study and simulate action in financial, currency, and commodity markets. The new School of Business building will provide a significant expansion of this interactive opportunity by including a trading room twice as large as the one in Smiddy Hall.