In an effort to enhance residential security, beginning Fall 2007 all Ithaca College residence hall exterior doors will be locked 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Each residence hall is keyed so that residents have access only to the building in which they live. In order to enter another residence hall, students have to make contact with the person they are visiting - using their cell phone or one of the courtesy phones located at the exterior entrance to each building. The resident will come to the door and escort the visitor to the desired location. This method also applies when students need to gain access to Residential Life offices located outside their own residence hall (eg. Residence Director Offices or Area/Satellite Offices). They must contact the office and have the door opened for them by a staff member.
In order to have access to their residence halls and rooms, all students must carry their keys and student ID with them at all times. If a student misplaces his or her key, the student will need to go to the residence hall with the appropriate Residential Life Area or Satellite Office and use a phone to contact a staff member to come to the door, at which time, lockout services can be employed for a $10.00 fee. Students will be granted one free use of the lockout service per semester.
Because this change was made in the interest of residential security, any person found propping open a residence hall door or otherwise attempting to gain unauthorized access to a residence hall will face disciplinary actions under the Ithaca College Judicial System.
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