Ithaca College Natural Lands Committee Meetings


Contributed by Susan Shutts

Ithaca College Natural Lands (ICNL) serves as an advisory board to the vice-president for finance and administration for the stewardship of Ithaca College's natural areas.

Our primary mission is to maintain the educational value and ecosystem services of these lands, to support co-curricular activities, and to guide compatible economic and recreational development. We encourage any and all community members who share an interest in this work to become a member of the committee.

ICNL committee meetings for this semester will be held in CNS 163, from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. on the following dates: August 29, September 12 and 26, October 10 and 24, November 7, and December 5. We hope to see you there.

Rick Couture and Jason Hamilton (Co-Chairs)