Protestant Community Start-Up Week


Contributed by Meredith Ellis

Come join us at Evensong, 10:00 p.m. on Wednesday August 29, in Muller Chapel for great praise music and worship!

Meet new friends of the community you'll want to make your home away from home!

Bible Study begins Thursday, August 30, in Muller Chapel Sanctuary at noon. Bring a Bible -- we're studying Matthew this fall.

Join us for Sunday Worship at 11:00 a.m. at the chapel, with brunch to follow at noon in the Campus Center.

On Labor Day (Monday, September 3) don't miss our barbeque up the road in Danby. All are welcome! Meet at the chapel at 12:30 p.m. to carpool. If you'ld like, bring something yummy to share or your favorite game.

Tuesday, September 4, is our first PC Council Meeting in the Phillips Room of the chapel at noon.