As a part of the Student Leadership Institute, Scott Thomson, assistant professor of speech communication, will present a free session entitled "Argument and Advocacy for Leaders" on Tuesday, October 9, 12:10–1:05 p.m. in Clark Lounge.
Many successful leaders attribute a great deal of their success to their experience on high school or collegiate debating teams. This session will focus on some of the most important argument and debate skills and techniques that can be applied to a leadership situation. Skills will be presented in a way that relates to the decision making process that leaders must successfully navigate. This session earns credit for the "Leading Others" Certificate.
The Student Leadership Institute is an ongoing series of free workshop sessions designed around topics in leadership and is intended for all Ithaca College students. Presented by the Center for Student Leadership & Involvement, you can learn more about the Student Leadership Institute by visiting the Center website at or calling 274-3222.