As a part of the Student Leadership Institute, Anthony Di Renzo will present a free session, entitled "Creating Ethos: Aristotle's Principles of Leadership," on Tuesday, October 30, 12:10–1:05 p.m. in the Klingenstein Lounge.
Ancient Greece and Rome still provide useful lessons on leadership. Drawing on Tom Morris' book, If Aristotle Ran General Motors, this session will apply the classical trinity of politics, rhetoric, and ethics to the contemporary marketplace. This presentation will concentrate on creating Aristotelian values in professional organizations. This session earns credit for the "Leading Others" Certificate.
The Student Leadership Institute is an ongoing series of free workshop sessions designed around topics in leadership and is intended for all Ithaca College students. Presented by the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement, you can learn more about the Student Leadership Institute by visiting the center's website or calling 274-3222.
Student Leadership Institute