Sustainability Cafe: "Putting Forest Science into Forest Practice," This Monday


Contributed by Marian Brown

The Sustainability Cafe series will kick off its fall 2007 season of educational programming with a presentation by Peter Smallidge, titled "Putting Forest Science into Forest Practice." This Sustainability Cafe will be held this Monday, September 17, in Friends Hall 201 at 4:00 p.m., in conjunction with the Environmental Seminar. "Teachable edibles" will be offered.

Peter Smallidge is the State Extension forester responsible for forest management and stewardship, forest ecology, landowner education, and vegetation management. He is also director of the Arnot Teaching and Research Forest. Smallidge's extension work provides statewide leadership for educational, research-based programs that address the stewardship and sustainable production needs associated with the management of private forestland.

"Teachable edibles" -- light seasonal, local and/or organic snacks -- for sustainability cafes are being supported by Ithaca College Dining Services. Please bring your reusable mug and fill up at the drinking fountain or bring your beverage of choice.

This Sustainability Cafe is cosponsored by the Natural Lands Committee and the Environmental Seminar series.

This event is free and open the public.

"Drink in a new way to think in the Sustainability Cafe."