Submitted on behalf of Kathleen Rountree, provost and vice president of academic affairs.
As you know, Ithaca College is anticipating the Middle States Commission on Higher Education evaluation visit in March 2008. This visit is a part of the process of renewing the College's accreditation.
I know that many of you have already participated in the gathering of information for the self-study, and I thank you for your involvement in the preparation of that important document. A busy summer of work by self-study chairs William Pelto and Marian MacCurdy has resulted in a draft document that will be shared with the campus community on October 1.
The draft document will be posted on the Ithaca College Middle States web page ( A dedicated email response link will be available for submission of feedback. Additionally, David García, Ithaca's Middle States liaison, will be meeting with a number of campus groups, including Faculty Council, Staff Council, and others, for discussion and feedback.
I encourage you to participate in this process by reviewing the document and submitting corrections, additions, omissions, or comments. Achieving accuracy and a cohesive voice in a document of this size and scope is a daunting task, and the responses from a wide readership are essential in preparing the final version for submission to the commission.
Thank you for participating in this important part of this campuswide effort. Please note the following timeline for this and other important Middle States visit events:
October 1: Draft document posted; campus feedback invited.
October 26: Deadline for campus feedback on draft document.
January 22: Final document submitted to Middle States and posted on the IC website.
January 22–February 22: Campus preparations for team visit.
March 2–5: Middle States team visits IC.