What do the these items listed below have in common?
Auction Items: The Centini Family (from the Coddington restaurant) spaghetti sauce, a hand made craft by Carl Sgrecci, paintings by local artists, beautiful jewelry, a dishwasher, gifts for Fido, and dozens and dozens of gift certificates.
These are just a few of the over 100 items that will be on display at the MS Benefit Concert and Silent Auction this Sunday, September 23, 2007 at IC Square from 2-5 pm.
Get a jump on your holiday gift shopping! Silent auction runs 2-3:30 p.m.
Door prizes, refreshments, raffles, a balloon grab—something for everyone.
Music by IC VoICes, Ithacapella, Evan Williams Folk Band, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Josh Oxford’s OXtet and Premium Blend.
Sponsored by D.A.N. - Do Anything Nice - IC Student Chapter
check out the website: www.doanythingnice.org/benefitconcert