Admission Open House Set for This Saturday


Contributed by John Kruger

The Office of Admission would like to inform the IC Community that on Saturday, September 29, we will have our first Open House program for the fall semester.

Currently we have over 600 prospective students and family members registered to attend our first Open House. Prospective students and their families have a number of opportunities to take advantage of during their time at IC. They can take a campus tour, meet with faculty and staff, and view a room in a residence hall, just to mention a few.

This is an opportune time to make sure that bulletin boards, display cases, and other materials throughout our academic buildings are current and correct. Please make sure information sheets and materials that are available to the public are full.

We kindly ask that faculty and staff who oversee larger classrooms, clinics, studios, etc., make sure window blinds are open and lights are on, so our prospective students and their families can observe them even if they are locked. We ask this because campus tours walk through almost every academic building. We appreciate your help in making sure our facilities are ready for prospective students and their families.

Please note that our other fall admission program dates are: