Tuesday Salon: Michael Smith, "How Inconvenient? Coming to Terms with Global Warming"


Contributed by Rebecca Plante

Michael Smith, assistant professor of history and environmental studies, will lead a Tuesday Salon on global warming at 4:00 p.m., October 2 in the Handwerker Gallery.

With films like An Inconvenient Truth and The Eleventh Hour bringing the issue of global warming to the silver screen, what scientists have been talking (and worrying) about for more than a decade is now part of the cultural mainstream.

Yet have we, as a society, responded to this inconvenient truth? The Arctic Sea ice has shrunk to its lowest extent since data began to be recorded. What does this mean for us? What kind of conversations should we be having about global warming?

The Tuesday Salon is a Handwerker Gallery program aimed at providing students, faculty, staff, and members of the community a forum outside of the classroom for intellectual discussion and debate. Topics are selected by a guest discussant, who provides a ten-minute introduction and moderates the ensuing conversation.

Light refreshments will be provided. For further information, please contact Rebecca Plante, Tuesday Salon co-director, at rplante@ithaca.edu. All Handwerker Gallery events are free and open to the public.

