October is GLBT History Month, and throughout the month a video highlighting a different historical figure each day will be available from a special section of the LGBT Center website at GLBT History Month Featured Videos.
A new video will be available at the URL each day during the month of October.
These 31 historical figures, selected by leaders of national and international LGBT organizations, achieved success within their respective fields of endeavor, were national heroes, or advanced LGBT civil rights.
This week's highlighted historical figures are:
October 1: Leonard Bernstein, composer
October 2: Annie Leibovitz, photographer
October 3: Angela Davis, civil rights activist
October 4: Alexander the Great, military commander
October 5: Billie Jean King, athlete
October 6: Pedro Almodóvar, filmmaker
October 7: Bessie Smith, blues singer
GLBT History Month videos and other materials are made possible by the Equality Forum, a national and international GLBT civil rights organization with an educational focus. For more information, visit www.equalityforum.com.