"Green Thumbs-Up" To Residential Life for Shower Timers


Contributed by Marian Brown

This fall, the Office of Residential Life added a really cool little doohickey to each shower stall in the residence halls on campus. These simple-to-use Shower Coach™ waterproof, five-minute shower timers help remind residents to reduce their use of hot water.

Each timer is additionally emblazoned with a label saying: "ICare ... so I take shorter showers."

Each bathroom features an informational placard that explains how and why to use the shower timers.

To see an expanded PDF version of this GTU citation, complete with pictures of these shower timers, go to:

Did you know? It takes a lot of energy to heat water and pump it through the system to your shower, so any water that is not used -- hot or cold -- saves a lot of energy. The Office of Residential Life has installed many low-flow showerheads that reduce, by up to one-fifth, the amount of water we have to deliver and heat for showers. Don't waste those water and energy savings by running the sink faucet while you brush your teeth or shave!

