Exercise and Sport Sciences Graduate Program Announces Annual Faculty Scholarship Report


Contributed by Jeffrey Ives

The graduate program in Exercise and Sport Sciences has just released its 2006-07 academic year faculty scholarship report and is proud of the following accomplishments:

The graduate faculty authored or co-authored 16 peer-reviewed and professional papers, and presented 36 papers and workshops at 24 different conferences or venues.

Eleven graduate students were lead or co-authors of these papers and presentations, and collaborators included those from no fewer than nine different institutions or IC departments other than Exercise and Sport Sciences.

The degree of collaboration with scholars outside of the IC campus reveals the national-level reputation of the ESS graduate program and faculty.

The current year continues a remarkable level of scholarly productivity. During the two-year time period from 2005 until the start of the fall 2007 semester, the members of the ESS graduate faculty have authored or coauthored 36 professional and peer-reviewed papers and given 59 professional and scholarly presentations. Well done!

