IBCA Mini Cooper Raffle and Walk


Contributed by Daniel Wald

5K race begins promptly at 9:05 a.m.
2-mile Family Walk begins at 9:06 a.m.

Location: Cornell Plantations' FR Newman Arboretum
Park in B Lot off Route 366 near the Vet School

Registration: PRE-REGISTER TO BYPASS LINES ON SATURDAY -- $20 Run; $10 Walk

Online: For a paper-free participation in support of Ithaca Breast Cancer Alliance, go to ibca.net to register as a runner, walker, or a team (closes 5:00 p.m. October 12)

If you are interested in carpooling, please contact Dan Wald at dwald1@ithaca.edu. The group will most likely leave at 7:45-8:00 a.m.

Raffle: Thanks to a generous donation from the Saltonstall family, owners of King Ferry Winery , Ithaca Breast Cancer Alliance is raffling a 2007 Mini Cooper S. A limited number of tickets will be sold at $100 per ticket. Tickets can be found at King Ferry Winery, Island Fitness (ask for Kelly Brady), Ludgate Farms, and Napoli Pizzeria on East State Street. The drawing will be held very soon at our Strength in Numbers Run/Walk on October 13 at Cornell Plantations. Tickets are also available at IBCA (277-0960).

