The Ithaca College United Way Campaign is officially underway.
Our campaign will run from October 15 through November 18, 2007.
Thanks to everyone who participated in last year's campaign, in which we raised $62,573 -- exceeding our goal by over $2,000.
This year's United Way campaign, Strong People, Strong Families, Strong Communities, has established an overall goal of $2,000,000. Ithaca College's goal is $63,500, about $1,500 more than last year.
We are very grateful to those who gave last year. This year, we are encouraging those who have never given to join the campaign.
The United Way supports over 40 organizations that provide assistance and services to individuals and families. Imagine the impact you can have on our community for as little as $1 a week -- one night of safety for a battered woman; transportation to the doctor's office from a rural home for four well-baby visits; 10 days of meals-on-wheels for one person. A small amount goes a long way in helping a needy person or family in our community.
Assisting us again this year are the dedicated campaign volunteers representing all departments on campus. They will help with the distribution and collection of pledge cards, and are available to answer questions you may have about the United Way or the campaign. Remember, payroll deduction makes it easy to give.
Please return your completed pledge card to your area volunteer or to Karen McGavin in the Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration, Job Hall 2, on or before Friday, November 18.
All employees participating in the campaign will be eligible to enter a drawing for one of three RCA Flash MP3 players. The three raffle categories are employees who: (1) are first-time givers, (2) increase their giving amount from last year, and (3) continue to give at the same generous level as last year.
Thank you helping to make this year's United Way drive a success and improving life throughout our community.
Mark Coldren and Cindy Neal
Ithaca College United Way Campaign Co-Chairs