As you most likely know by now, this year's re-enrollment period begins on November 12. What you may not realize is that there are things you can do before that date to facilitate the online re-enrollment process. Those steps include:
1. Sign in to the Parnassus Employee Self-Service system to ensure that you can access your account. Please click here for instructions on accessing your Parnassus account:
Accessing Employee Self-Service
If you have forgotten your password, please go to the Parnassus sign-on at, click on "Parnassus," and then click on "I forgot my password." Follow the instructions and a new password will be sent to your e-mail account. If you need to change your password, please click here:
Changing Your Parnassus Password in Employee Self-Service
2. Do you have any dependent children between the ages of 19 and 25? Please click here for important information regarding dependent eligibility rules:
Dependents Between the Ages of 19 and 25
Reviewing this information now will prevent incorrect cancellation of your child's insurance coverage. To update your dependent children's information, please complete the following form:
2008 Benefit Update Form (PDF)
Forms may be returned to the benefits department via campus mail or by faxing the form to us at 274-7943.
3. Last, please review your contact and beneficiary information. A contact is anyone who is covered under your benefits, is a beneficiary of your life insurance, or is listed as an emergency contact. It is very important that you check to see if your beneficiary designations are properly recorded with the correct name, Social Security number, and date of birth. Even if you have completed a paper form designating your beneficiaries, you must still complete the online process. Please click here for information on adding or changing contact information as well as designating beneficiaries:
2008 Add Beneficiary/Contact Form (PDF)
If you need assistance with any of the above procedures or have questions, please contact the Office of Human Resources at 274-3245 or []. If you prefer or if you do not have direct access to a computer, you are welcome to use one of the computers available in the HR training room, located in the Administration Annex.