Official fall enrollment data is now available online to the campus community. Ithaca College's official fall 2007 enrollment totals 6,660 -- 6,260 undergraduates and 400 graduate students.
The annualized full-time, undergraduate, degree-credit enrollment (AFUDCE) for the 2007-08 academic year is projected to be 5,959. (Note: this includes assumptions for spring 2008 enrollment.)
This represents a complete return to the AFUDCE of 5,900-6,000 called for in IC's institutional plan. More detailed breakdowns of fall enrollment counts are available to the Ithaca campus community online at the following sites:
Office of the Registrar -- Enrollment Reports
Office of Institutional Research
Here are a few highlights of our fall 2007 undergraduate admission cycle:
A 2% improvement in yield on offers of admission resulted in the larger-than-expected number of new students. The increase in yield is creditable to a myriad of new admission and marketing initiatives that involved admission and marketing communications staff working in conjunction with ITS and the staff, faculty, and students of each school.
Of particular note was a 6.4% improvement in yield in the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance. This year was the second year using our new student information system from SCT/Banner, now endearingly referred to as Homer! As our staff becomes more familiar with the capabilities of the new system, they are proving able to put those capabilities to use in new and creative ways.
Special thanks are due the Offices of Admission and Financial Aid, the Offices of Marketing Communications and Information Technology Services, and virtually every academic department and operations support service for your respective contributions to making IC such a great institution.