The Organization Development Series is a set of workshops and presentations designed to assist student organizations in the fulfillment of their missions. The Center for Student Leadership and Involvement will be hosting another session this week:
SGA Funding 101
Thursday, November 8, 5:30 PM
221 Williams
Student organizations that have registered with the CSLI have the opportunity to request funding from the Student Government Association. Session attendees will learn about the SGA funding process and relevant SGA funding policies. Additionally, characteristics of high quality funding proposals will be discussed, and examples will be shared.
Please note: The Student Government Association requires that student organizations that receive SGA funding send at least one officer to an "SGA Funding 101" session. The session will also be hosted at 12:15 on both Wednesday, November 14 and Tuesday, November 27. The location of the sessions will be announced when they are finalized.
Presented by:
Monica Marcenko, Vice President for Business and Finance, Student Government Association
Funding and transactions for Sport Clubs are maintained by the Office of Recreational Sports. Please contact [] for more information.
We hope to provide sessions that will help strengthen and serve student organizations. Please e-mail [] with suggestions or comments.