After only two-and-a-half short weeks, Ithaca College has surpassed 50 percent of our United Way giving goal of $63,500. If that doesn't embody this year's campaign theme, "Strong People, Strong Families, Strong Communities," I don't know what does!
The drawing for the RCA Flash MP3 players has been set for Wednesday, November 28. The three categories are: (1) first-time contributors, (2) contributors who increased their gift from last year, and (3) contributors who continue to donate at the same generous level as last year. Please have your pledge cards in by Monday, November 26, to be eligible for the drawings.
Our United Way thermometer is now up on the traffic circle of the main entrance of campus. It's fun to watch the "temperature" rise -- it's gettin' hot in here!
THANK YOU for making a difference in the lives of so many people in our community.