Call for Interns for 2008 Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival


Contributed by Patricia Zimmermann

The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) seeks interns from all majors in every school across campus to be part of the team that will mount the 2008 festival, March 31-April 6, 2008.

If you are interested in becoming a 2008 FLEFF intern, please join us for an introductory meeting on Thursday, December 6 at 12:10 in Park Auditorium.

At this initial meeting, you'll meet with the festival codirectors, some of our coworkers and our student team leaders to learn about how you can be part of the FLEFF team.

As a FLEFF intern, you'll learn about arts administration and management, programming, hospitality, print traffic, the entertainment and arts industries, the business side of media, music, artists relations, emerging technologies, venue management, festival operations, exhibition, blogging, street teams, publicity, marketing, global politics, and emerging, cutting edge ideas.

You'll also meet media artists, scholars, musicians, curators, activists and entertainment industry professionals from across the country and the world in accessible ways outside of the classroom at one of only 15 environmental film festivals in the world.

And you will be part of the large intern team that mounts FLEFF.

We'll see you Thursday December 6 at 12:10!

FLEFF is interested in interns from across campus--students in every school and department are welcome.

See you at our first session!

Tom Shevory and Patty Zimmermann
Codirectors, Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival

P.S. For a sense of what FLEFF 2007 was like, check out our festival website,