Feeling stressed from the holidays? Finals, etc.? Well, you're not alone! Instead of blowing off your workouts, or turning to comfort foods this season, keep up or kick start your fitness!
The Exercise Professional Majors Club is hosting a Holiday Fitness Fair on Wednesday, November 28, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. This event will give members of the IC community an opportunity to get their health and fitness evaluated for only $6. It includes evaluations of:
• Blood pressure
• Heart rate
• A submaximal effort step test
• Body composition
• Flexibility testing
• Muscular strength
• Muscular endurance
• Nutrition tips
• Informational sheets
Where else will you find all of this for only $6?!? Nowhere! So, come to the Wellness Clinic (Center for Health Sciences, room 302) on November 28 and get a jump start on keeping your health up through the winter season!