Beyond 'Beyond Beats and Rhymes' - Hip Hop, Masculinity and the American Dream


Contributed by Rebecca Plante

The final event in the fall Tuesday Salon series: an informal gathering of students, staff, and faculty to discuss, question, and think aloud -- together -- about issues and events that vex, entertain, confuse, and connect us.

What: "Beyond 'Beyond Beats and Rhymes' - Hip Hop, Masculinity, and the American Dream" -- a discussion facilitated by Sean Eversley-Bradwell, assistant professor, Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity. Long-awaited follow-up to the thought-provoking September screening of the similarly-titled documentary by Byron Hurt.

When: Tuesday December 4, from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Where: Handwerker Gallery (first floor of the Gannett Library)

How: with light refreshments and much casual conversation

Why: Sponsored by the Diversity Awareness Committee and the Handwerker Gallery/Tuesday Salon series; with credit to the Health Promotion Committee for the concept

All are welcome, even if you did not see the documentary.

Please contact Rebecca Plante, assistant professor of sociology, with any questions ([], 274-3311).