Have a brother or sister currently in high school who would be interested in a $250 gift certificate to the Apple Store or iTunes? Urge him or her to participate in the Gerontology Institute-sponsored essay contest for a chance to win some great prizes!
The Ithaca College Gerontology Institute is looking for essay submissions (500 words or less) from current high school sophomores and juniors.
Contest Details
Your essay should describe the impact a person aged 60 or older has had on your life. Be sure to characterize your relationship with this person and to address the following questions:
* Why did this older person have such an influence?
* How are you different as a result of this relationship?
* How has this person inspired you to clarify your own values or to pursue your goals and ambitions?
The submission deadline is January 1, 2008, so get the word out!
For further details as well as the online essay entry link, visit the Aging Studies website:
Aging Studies at Ithaca College