Sustainability Café: "Progressive Approaches to Recycling” on Thursday, Dec. 6


Contributed by Marian Brown

On Thursday, December 6, at 4:00 p.m. in Center for Natural Sciences 112, the Sustainability Café topic will be "Progressive Approaches to Recycling," presented by Stephen Klemann from Casella Waste Systems/FCR Recycling.

Klemann will describe FCR Ontario, Casella's new state-of-the-art processing center which employs singlestream recycling, glass benefication, and clean load material processing. Klemann will also discuss Recyclebank, a new venture intended to drive more recycled material out of landfills and into recycling centers.

This Café is cosponsored by the Resource and Environmental Management Program and the Biology Seminar.

"Teachable edibles" -- seasonal, organic, and/or local foods -- for the fall 2007 Sustainability Café series are being supported by Ithaca College Dining Services. Please bring your reusable mug and fill up at the drinking fountain or provide your beverage of choice.

Drink in a new way to think in the Sustainability Café.