Change of Schedule: Senior Assistant Director of Admission Candidates


Contributed by Sheryl Froehlich

James Bledsoe, a candidate for the position of senior assistant director of admission, will not be on campus Tuesday, December 4, as previously announced.

Due to weather-related complications, James Bledsoe's visit has been rescheduled for Monday, December 10.

Opportunities for members of the campus community to meet with candidates for senior assistant director of admission include a drop-in session with refreshments from noon to 1:00 p.m., followed by the candidate presentation from 1:00 to 1:30 p.m.

Cedric Bolton
Thursday, December 6
Emerson Suite A

James Bledsoe
Monday, December 10
Green Room, Whalen

The first of the three candidates, Rebecca Page Johnson, visited IC on November 29.

Please call the Office of Admission at 274-3124 with any questions.