Debate Team Ends Successful Semester


Contributed by Scott Thomson

Ithaca College's Speech and Debate Team brought the semester to a close with some impressive results. During the fall semester, the team traveled to four different tournaments and enjoyed notable achievements.

Junior Nicole Reustle brought the season to a close with a winning record: over the course of the four tournaments she garnered a 12-10 win/loss record.

Most impressive is the performance of this year's novices. At the Saint Anselm tournament, sophomore Brian Stewart went 3-1 at his second-ever tournament and was recognized as the ninth-best speaker in the novice division.

At the same tournament, junior Dan Park was recognized as the fifth-best speaker -- and this was Dan's first tournament.

First-year student Galen Danskin was recognized as the second-best speaker in the novice division at the Ohio State tournament and third-best speaker at the Suffolk tournament.