"Green Thumbs-Up" to the Your Impact Radio Show


Contributed by Marian Brown

On Sunday, October 7, a new communication vehicle for reportage about local, regional, and national sustainability issues took to the airwaves when the first Your Impact radio show was broadcast on WICB (91.7 FM).

At the December 7 Sustainable Tompkins holiday party, the Your Impact show was recognized as one of the region's "Signs of Sustainability" for 2007.

Your Impact is the brainchild of Andrew Bernier '07, who currently works as an Ithaca College admission counselor. Andrew has coupled his educational background in environmental science with his experience as a disc jockey to create a unique broadcast format that, as Andrew puts it, "focuses on what you do, what your community does, what the nation does, and how it all has an impact on each other, the economy, and the environment."

In announcing the creation of Your Impact, Andrew wrote that the program "is designed for members of Tompkins County (and the world) to both educate and learn. We discuss just about any topic and how it is sustainable or how it could be more sustainable. From health care practices and building techniques to personal finance and education, the list is truly endless. Everyone from individuals to commercial companies are encouraged to use the show to share their knowledge and also to tune in and learn how to reduce (or increase) their impact on the community and the world. We want to report what you would like to learn more about."

"Interviews, call-ins, readings, reports and debates; we'll keep the information coming to you in new, refreshing ways. We'll even sprinkle in simple daily tips that you can do to make your life more sustainable."

To demonstrate the depth and breadth of each show, here are the interviews and reports covered in the first three broadcasts of Your Impact:

October 7, 2007
* Sustainable health care with Gay Nicholson from Sustainable Tompkins and Shira Adriance from the Whole Community Project
* Farmers markets: the fastest-growing sector in the food industry
* The Sustainably Conscious Living Community with SCLC resident Josh Weiner

November 4, 2007
* A review of the 12th annual Green/Solar Homes Tour with Brent Katzman and Jack Jensen from the Ithaca Green Building Alliance
* Energy descent
* An interview with Richard Otis '76: a profile of the Environmental Protection Agency

December 9, 2007
* NEACURH 2007: Ithaca College Residence Hall Association hosts "Marty's G.O.R.G.E.S. Gathering," which focused on sustainability in residence life
* A review of The 11th Hour film screening which was followed by an IC faculty panel discussion
* Home Green Home, a new sustainable products store in Ithaca, with store owner Joe Nolan

The next Your Impact show is planned for February 3, 2008, at 5 p.m. Your Impact is also streamed live on the web, so you can listen online at www.wicb.org. Andrew plans to develop a website where archived files of past shows can be accessed.

To view expanded versions of this and all previous "Green Thumbs-Up" citations -- complete with photos -- please visit our website:

