Spring 2008 Check-In Locations and Dates


Contributed by Linda Koenig

The time has come for new and returning students to arrive at Ithaca College for the spring of 2008!

January 15, 2008

If you haven’t already taken the opportunity to view your housing assignment on HOMER Connect, please take a moment to log in using your student ID and housing pin to view your spring housing assignment. Below are some important pieces of information for you to be aware of before checking into your spring 2008 room.

CHECK IN - Residence Hall check-in hours and locations are listed below this letter. Students who do not check in with the Residential Life staff by Friday, January 25, 2008 may forfeit their residence hall assignment and another student may be assigned to the space. Please be aware that students may not check in prior to their designated arrival day and time, without prior approval from the Office of Residential Life.

LUGGAGE - If you would like to ship items to yourself, you may do so by sending them to your on-campus mailing address which can be viewed in HOMER Connect. It can be accessed from any web browser at https://homerconnect.ithaca.edu/. You will receive a notice in your mailbox once the item has reached campus telling you where to pick up your package.

CLASS SCHEDULE – You can find out your schedule by checking online at https://www.ithaca.edu/registrar.

ADMINISTRATIVE. If you would like to know the specific hours for an office check http://www.ithaca.edu or call the office directly.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: The Office of Residential Life and Judicial Affairs strongly encourages you to review the following websites for information on break closings, approved items to bring to campus, as well as information on our Health & Safety policies. In addition to these listed websites, please also feel free to peruse our general website at www.ithaca.edu/reslife.
https://www.ithaca.edu/reslife/Homeaway.html - for information about what to bring
https://www.ithaca.edu/reslife/rl_guide/health_and_safety.htm - for information about Health and Safety policies
https://www.ithaca.edu/reslife/Dates.html - for break opening/closing information

MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY, “KEEPING THE DREAM ALIVE”: Ithaca College will celebrate the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday of 2008 with its first ever “Day On, not a Day Off.” As this year's holiday falls on the first day of classes, President Peggy R. Williams has declared this to be a day of reflection, learning, and celebration. Students will not have classes and the campus community will participate in several activities throughout the day, including a breakfast featuring Keynote Speaker MC Lyte, a Day Long Service Project, Interactive Workshops, a Community MLK Celebration Luncheon, "Reflections on the Movement": an interactive theatre experience, and the 2nd Annual MLK Celebration Concert. More information can be found at http://ithaca.edu/csli/forms/mlkday.htm.

The Office of Residential Life wishes you success during the upcoming year and looks forward to your arrival later this month!


Linda J. Koenig
Interim Assistant Director for Housing and Communication

Residential Life Check-In Dates, Times and Locations.

Please make travel plans to arrive only on the date scheduled for your group listed below. Please be aware that students may not check in prior to their designated arrival day and time without prior approval from the Office of Residential Life. Check-in locations differ according to your room assignment; refer to the appropriate list noted below. The Residential Life Central Office in the East Tower is open 8:30 A.M. - 5 P.M. every weekday, and from 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. on check-in weekend.

Check-In Dates and Times

If you are a:
Returning Student in a permanent room who is changing rooms Thursday, January 17, 2008
(who was not in Temporary Housing when you left for break) beginning at 1:00 p.m.
* please read below for further instructions

New Student to Ithaca College this semester Friday, January 18, 2008
** please read below for further instructions beginning at 8:00 a.m.

Returning Student in Temporary Housing moving to a permanent room Friday, January 18, 2008
*** please read below for further instructions beginning at 9:00 a.m.

Returning student, returning to campus after a semester away Saturday, January 19, 2008
beginning at 9:00 a.m.

Returning student, resuming your same assignment Saturday, January 19, 2008
(there is no need for you to check-in, you can simply return to your room) beginning at 9:00 a.m.

All Check-In locations close at 9:00 p.m.
Signs will be posted on how to check-in between 9 p.m. and 12 midnight.
There will be no check-in after midnight.

Check-In Locations

If you live here:
Circle Apartments
Circles Satellite Office
Circles Community Building

Bogart, Boothroyd, Clarke, Eastman, Hilliard, Holmes, Hood, Landon, Lyon, Rowland, Tallcott Rowland Hall 102

East Tower, West Tower
Towers Satellite Office
East Tower Lobby

Emerson Hall / Garden Apartments
Emerson Satellite Office
Emerson Hall Lobby

Terraces 1 - 12
Terrace Area Office
Terrace 7 100

* Because another student may have been assigned to your Fall 2007 space, you must return on Thursday, January 17, 2008 between 1:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. to check out of your current room and to check into your new assignment. Residential Life staff will be available in each residential area to assist with this process. Checking out includes a room inspection with a Residential Life staff member, signing your Key Record Form and turning in all keys. If you cannot arrive on Thursday, January 17, 2008, contact the Office of Residential Life immediately. If no contact is made, we will expect you to be arriving on this date. It is quite likely that you may have been assigned to a space where another student is scheduled to check-out. We ask that if you arrive on-campus and your new room is not available for you to move into, you wait in your Fall 2007 space until the previous resident checks out of your Spring 2008 space. We make every attempt to contact students who we know will be delayed in their move due to another student’s travel arrangements, however, there are times when we are not able to contact everyone. Your assistance in helping to provide a smooth housing transition for all students is appreciated.

** Often new students are assigned to spaces that other students are vacating. For this reason, we ask that all new students plan to move in to their residence halls on Friday, January 18, 2008 beginning at 8:00 a.m. If your room is not ready upon your arrival, please be patient as we work with other students who are changing rooms to prepare your room as quickly as possible.

*** Often students in temporary housing are assigned to spaces that other students are vacating. For this reason, we ask that all students in temporary housing moving to permanent room assignments to arrive on Friday, January 18, 2008. If your room is not ready upon your return, please be patient as we work with other students who are changing rooms to prepare your room as quickly as possible. The cable in your temporary lounge will be disconnected upon your return to campus. Please also note that all room furniture from temporary lounges will be removed and replaced with lounge furniture following opening weekend by outside contractors.

Phone = (607) 274-3141 Fax = (607) 274-1589
Web Page = www.ithaca.edu/reslife

