Recyclemania 2008 Begins January 27


Contributed by Mark Darling

Recyclemania is a friendly competition between hundreds of colleges and universities across the country, as well as some schools in Canada and Mexico. This year's competition runs from January 27 to April 5.

During this 10-week period, participating schools compete in a variety of contests that compare our recycling rate, as well as the trash we generate, to other participating schools. Since all the recycling on campus is collected together, this contest is for every one of the members of the College community. Check out for more on the contests.

Recyclemania is an opportunity to raise awareness about the amount of waste we generate. Last year we lost our place as the number-one recycling school -- out of three competitors in New York State -- to SUNY Binghamton! This year, 30 colleges and universities competing in New York State including Empire 8 rivals St. John Fisher and RIT; SUNY Cortland is also in the competition.

Recycling is easy to do, and very important for energy and land conservation. It provides jobs and prevents fossil fuels from being burned. All you have to do to participate is use the bins in your room or office to dispose of the following items:

In the blue bins:
Fliers, newspapers, catalogs, magazines, brochures, notebook paper, computer paper, books, pamphlets and junk mail, paperboard (such as cereal boxes), and scrap paper.

In the green bins:
Metal or aluminum cans, aluminum foil, glass bottles (all colors), #1-7 plastics bottles, #5 tubs (like yogurt cups), milk cartons, and drink/juice boxes.

If you want to know more about how you can be involved on campus contact the Ithaca College Resource and Environmental Management Program at [].