The Center for Student Leadership and Involvement will present the sixth annual Women in Leadership Experience on Saturday, March 1, in Seneca Falls, New York.
This annual program features time in the Women's Rights National Historic Park, shared discussions, and a panel of area women in significant leadership roles. Woven throughout the program are opportunities for dialog and reflection. The program will begin at 8:00 a.m. when we board the bus and will conclude at 6:30 p.m. when we return to campus. You do not have to identify as a woman to participate.
In preparing for this year's Women in Leadership Experience, we will continue our tradition of networking and engaging dialog among the participants. Participants are selected on a first-come basis through the online participation form. Space is limited to 40 participants, so applicants are encouraged to submit their participation forms early. The final application deadline is Monday, February 18.
Lunch, continental breakfast, and transportation are included in the participation fee, which helps offset the cost of the program. The participant fee is $15 for Ithaca College students and $25 for students from other colleges.
Once accepted into the Leadership in Women Experience, participants will receive an e-mail explaining how to submit the participation fee and additional program information.
Applications are now available online (see below). If you have additional questions, you may contact the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement at 607-274-3222 or [].
CSLI: Women in Leadership Experience