This Spring, March 28-30, 2008, Ithaca College is hosting the Third Annual Finger Lakes Tap Dance Festival, produced by the Tap Legacy Foundation, Inc. Many great volunteer opportunities are available at the festival.
Volunteer Opportunities
This Spring, March 28-30, 2008, Ithaca College is hosting the Third Annual Finger Lakes Tap Dance Festival, produced by the Tap Legacy Foundation, Inc. The three-day festival will include over 20 tap dance workshops ranging in level from beginner to advanced, the Friday Night Jam and Showcase, a panel discussion, and the screening of rare tap dance footage from the TLF digital archives. In conjunction with the weekend, TLF will present Walking In Time, an all-star tap dance concert at the historic State Theatre of Ithaca on March 29th at 8pm. Tap dancers and tap dance enthusiasts will be coming to Ithaca from across North America, and six world-renowned guest artists are scheduled for the weekend of events. (For more information about the festival, you can check out
Many great volunteer opportunities are available at the festival for those of you who are looking for a fun and exciting event to help with, some extra volunteer/community service hours, or even great resume builders. This year, volunteers will also receive a FREE tap dance class in exchange for each shift worked at the festival.
Below is a listing of all of the volunteer jobs. Please let us know which times/events you are most interested in for becoming a Volunteer. Please contact Emily Viterise at by Friday, February 8, 2008 with your volunteering preferences. (Please note that some times may vary slightly as the event approaches.)
Friday, March 28
Registration Set-Up, Pre-Registration Check-In
Merchandise Set-Up, Merchandise Assistant
Jam and Showcase Door Attendee
On-Site Registration
Pre-Registered Check-In (2 Positions Available)
Merchandise Assistant
Saturday, March 29
Registration Assistant/Class Counter
Merchandise Assistant
On-Site Registration
Registration Assistant/Class Counter
Merchandise Assistant
Panel Discussion Set-up, Registration
On-site Registration
Registration Assistant/ Class Counter
Merchandise Assistant
Sunday, March 30
Registration Assistant/Class Counter
Pre-Registered Check-In
Merchandise Assistant
11:30a.m. 3:00p.m.
On-Site Registration (2 Positions Available)
Registration Assistant/Class Counter
On-Site Registration
Registration Assistant/Class Counter
Pre-Registered Check-In
Merchandise Assistant
*****Volunteers to Video Tape and Photograph at the Friday Night Tap Jam and Showcase, Friday, March 28th from 6:30-10:30p.m. in the Hill Center, and Walking In Time, the all-star tap dance concert at the State Theatre, Saturday, March 29th from 8-10:30p.m. are also requested.
*Shifts at the beginning of the day may include assistance with set-up, and shifts at the end of the day may include packing up materials, arrangement of chairs, etc.
*Title/description of positions are subject to change.
*All positions will be at the Hill Center Gym unless noted differently.