Tour Italy on Tuesday at Campus Center Dining Hall


Contributed by Julie Whitten

Flight: 1121 Ithaca Airlines. Destination: Italy. Have your passports ready to be stamped at the Tour Italy dinner, on Tuesday, February 19, 2008, in the Campus Center Dining Hall.

The menu will feature an array of Italian specialties including:

Soup (Minestra)
Italian Wedding Soup
(Minestra Italiana Di Nozze)

Pasta Fagioli

Entrees (Classici)
Chicken with Olives
(Pollo con Olive)

Baked Cod with Sicilian Pepper Sauce
(Merluzzo cotto con la salsa siciliana del pepe)

Mushroom Orzo Rissoto
(Fungo Orzo Rissoto)

Pasta with Beans and Greens
(Pasta con i fagioli ed i verdi)

Zucchini with Fresh Tomatoes
(Zucchini con i pomodori freschi)

Sauteed Spinach with Garlic
(Spinaci sauteed con aglio)

Vegetarian Entree (Entre Vegetariano)
Lasagna Bianco

Pasta and Pizza (Pizza e pasta)
Prima Vera Pizza
(Pizza Di Prima Vera)

Pasta: Meat Lasagna
(Lasagna Della Carne)

Exhibition (Mostra)
Spinach Fettucine Fiorello
(Spinaci Fettucine Fiorello)

If you haven’t before, this is definitely the time to brush up on your Italian! All are welcome, if you are not on a meal plan cash and ID Express at are accepted at the door.

For more information on this and other campus dining events, visit the Ithaca Dining services website at