Sustainability Café: "Permaculture: Designing an Ecosystem" -- Monday, March 3


Contributed by Marian Brown

"Permaculture" will be the topic of discussion for the next Sustainability Café, which will be held on Monday, March 3, at 4:00 p.m. in room 204 of the School of Business.

There is a world view which identifies humanity as a vital part of the web of life; indeed, people have for thousands of years been stewards of Earth, always finding innovative ways to extract our needs for survival while improving life for other species and future generations.

Join Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute program coordinator Steve Gabriel for a discussion on the design process as a tool for making effective, measurable changes in the way we work in the world. Steve will share design examples from the Cayuga Nature Center, where the FLPCI has been working on development of a land-use plan incorporating agricultural, forestry, habitat and interpretive elements.

This Sustainability Café is co-sponsored by the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute.

"Teachable edibles" -- seasonal, organic, and/or local foods -- for the spring 2008 Sustainability Café series are being supported by Ithaca College Dining Services. Please bring your reusable mug and fill up at the drinking fountain or provide your beverage of choice.

Drink in a new way to think in the Sustainability Café.