Call for Proposals for Summer Grants for Sustainability Curriculum Development


Contributed by Marian Brown

Attention all interested faculty and staff:

The IC coordinating team for the Ithaca College-EcoVillage at Ithaca Partnership for Sustainability Education is soliciting applications for curriculum development initiatives in the area of sustainability, including the "people" element of the "people/planet/prosperity" intersection. The $1,000 curriculum development mini-grants will support work conducted during summer and fall 2008. A maximum of five mini-grants will be awarded.

This year, we encourage applications from the areas of arts, music, and communication. We especially seek a commissioned piece of art, a musical score, photography, or film that could be shown on campus. Online courses or module development will also be given preference.

In the past, we have funded proposals to teach new courses, develop new components of existing courses, and revise existing courses to deal with issues relating to sustainability. Proposals have been funded for faculty in anthropology, politics, therapeutic recreation and leisure services, art history, health promotion and physical education, math, women's studies, writing, biology, physics, economics, and environmental studies.

Examples of Past Mini-grant Projects

• "Investigating Green Building across Cultures" (art history)
• "Psychology of Sustainability" (psychology)
• "Going Global: Incorporating Sustainability into Study-Abroad Programs" (OIP)
• "Women and Sustainability" (women's studies)
• "Examining the World through Evolutionary Biology" (biology)
• "History of the Future" (history)
• "Integration of Sustainability and Environmental Content into 'Poetics'" (writing)
• "Emphasizing Sustainable Health and Wellness" (health promotion and physical education)
• "Incorporating Sustainability into Foundations of Outdoor Adventure Pursuits" (therapeutic recreation and leisure services)

Requirements for the Award

1. Curricular development proposal submission is due by April 11. Proposals guidelines and forms can be found at: Please submit proposals to Susan Allen-Gil in the Department of Biology.

2. Attendance at the Finger Lakes Project on Tuesday, May 20, through Thursday, May 22. This workshop -- free to members of the Ithaca College community -- will provide additional background on integrating sustainability into courses and will bring in local experts to discuss the environmental and social history of Ithaca. Lunch is included.

3. Presentation of your curricular development project at a public venue (e.g. Campus Sustainability Day, faculty colloquium, departmental seminar, brown-bag seminar)

Partnership for Sustainability Education Steering Committee:
Susan Allen-Gil, Jason Hamilton, Susan Swensen, Susanne Morgan, and Marian Brown (IC)
Liz Walker and Tina Nilsen-Hodges (EVI)