Information Technology Services is in the process of updating the current WebCT 4 online courseware system to Blackboard CE 6. WebCT was purchased by Blackboard. We have been working very successfully with a pilot group of faculty and are ready to begin a campus-wide release!
This new version is very different from the current version of WebCT. Some of the exciting new features include:
ITS anticipates beginning the migration to Blackboard in April for summer and fall courses. New course requests will use Blackboard CE 6. Existing courses can continue to use WebCT but must move to Blackboard by the start of the spring 2009 semester. This change will require faculty using online courseware to "rebuild" their courses in Blackboard.
ITS is offering a series of workshops to help with this transition. We will be offering an overview workshop for faculty members who have never seen the product as well as a migration workshop for those who need to rebuild their courses in Blackboard CE6 and a hands-on workshop for faculty members who are creating new courses in Blackboard. These workshops are held in the Technology Learning Center (Friends 101). One-on-one support is also be available Monday through Friday from 9 am until 4 pm in the Center for Educational Technology (CET), Muller 104. We anticipate making the Blackboard system available for faculty' use in April.
Stop by the ITS Booth on Ed Tech Day Thursday March 27, 2008, to see a demonstration of this new product!
If you have any questions about this transition, please contact the Helpdesk.
ITS Helpdesk