The Department of Sociology is pleased to announce a revised major and minor program that will go into effect in fall 2008 for new students joining the department. To help introduce this program to the campus community, the department will hold an open house on April 7.
The new curricular goal is to help students develop their understanding of how sociology might be used in the public interest, and how sociologists develop skillful engagements in community life. Students will be inspired to develop perspectives and skills for a public sociology.
Students will be encouraged to use the four foundations of sociology -- social institutions and organizations, inequality, individuals and culture, and social change -- to develop their own themes of study within the department and the College.
For example, themes might include studies in gender and social change; crime and social justice; environment and culture; human services and public sociology; or family, gender and work. Students will be advised to develop their theme as a program of interdisciplinary studies and to participate in a capstone experience.
Students and others are invited to an open house to celebrate with us and to learn more about our revised major and minor. It will be held Monday, April 7, in the sociology department's office, Muller 106, at 4:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served.